October 28, 2018


For someone who claims to "talk better in words", I surely do not write that much, especially on this blog. It feels like I have forgotten how to write and how to pour out my feelings into words. Social media plays a big part on this situation per se. I keep scrolling my Twitter timeline until my hand hurts from it.

Well, that's another story for another time (me and social media, I mean).

July 1, 2018

Kehidupan Setelah Lulus

First of all, I'd like to credit the rightful owner for the title that I'm using; Fathia Izzati, for her video that kinda inspired me to write this post. She made this video: Hidup Setelah Lulus and I saw it a few days before I graduated. Well, I changed the title a bit to make it more....formal? But, the point is, her video inspired me so I credited her. Anyways, go watch her video, it's pretty good.

Because I'm not as confident as her in using English, let's go back to Bahasa Indonesia.

Oh, and beware, this gonna be a long post. Feel free to skim it. But I suggest you to read the whole story; just in case you need something to kill your time.

May 21, 2018


Jujur saya merasa bersalah karena sudah lama menelantarkan blog ini. Dateng-dateng hanya karena saya kemarin ulang tahun, jadi berasa ada yang perlu ditulis gitu. Ya sebenarnya alasan saya gak nulis di blog sih karena lagi gak ada yang mau ditulis juga. Hidup saya tidak penuh dengan huru-hara lagi semenjak lulus kuliah. Eh, ada sih....cuma itu disimpan untuk lain kali saja.

Saking lamanya gak nulis blog kali ya, mau bikin judul yang keren juga sudah tidak bisa lagi saya. Otak saya sudah tidak sanggup lagi disuruh mikir hal-hal kreatif seperti itu. Jadi ya udah, klasik aja lah judulnya, 22; sama seperti umur saya sekarang.

February 4, 2018

Semua Berawal dari.....

Semua Berawal dari.....

January 31, 2018

Review: Dilan 1990

Review: Dilan 1990
"Jangan rindu. Ini berat. Kau tak akan kuat. Biar aku saja." Pidi Baiq, Dilan: Dia adalah Dilanku tahun 1990

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